
享譽世界,有綠色伊甸園之稱的斯里蘭卡,曾稱為錫蘭 (CEYLON),於1972年才正改稱為斯里蘭卡 (SRI LANKA),因為當地的紅茶事業崛起於英國統治的錫蘭時代,也是英國人一手開發出來的世界飲茶事業,於是錫蘭紅茶之名一直沿用至今。

斯里蘭卡眾多廣大茶園中,努亞伊利亞(NUWARAELIYA)這個城市的茶葉品質數一數二,亦是每年吸引最多遊人參觀的一個地方 。努亞伊利亞茶園位於海拔2000公尺的山區,每年平均降雨量達兩千毫米,是保持茶葉品質的最理想的降雨量,而且該處地勢很高,完全占盡天時地利的優厚條件,再加上在十九世紀英國殖民期間由印度引進斯里蘭卡的泰米爾人在茶園當茶工人,錫蘭紅茶有今天的成就泰米爾人功不可沒。


1 粗茶 BOP是經過機械碾碎的紅茶葉,香氣濃郁,茶色淺色,茶身較粗
中幼茶 BOPF 比粗茶幼細,包括茶葉的嫩葉及嫩芽。香氣適中、茶色適中、茶身比粗茶幼細
幼茶 DUST 最細幼的茶葉,成粉狀,香氣淡味、茶色深色、茶身幼細粉狀


Ceylon Tea

The world-renowned Ceylon Tea comes from Sri Lanka, the Green Eden Garden. Yet, why isn’t it named “Sri Lankan Tea”? As a matter of fact, Ceylon used to be the official name of Sri Lanka until 1972. During her colonial era, the ruler, i.e. the British government, fostered the development of local tea industry and promoted Ceylon Tea to the world. That’s when and why the name of Ceylon Tea started to be recognized.

Among numerous extensive tea gardens in Sri Lanka, NUWARAELIYA is one of the cities where the best quality black tea is grown and produced; she has become a wonderful attraction to tourists too. Situated in hilly regions with an average relief of 2000 feet, it has an abundant precipitation input exceeding 2000mm. Apart from such ideal physical conditions, Tamilian tea garden workers from India also contribute to the reputation of Ceylon Tea from Sri Lanka.


Classification of Ceylon Tea

Ceylon Tea is generally divided into high, medium, and low grown and then graded according to its size, colour, flavour, etc.

1) B.O.P. is processed by mechanical rubbing and grinding and has a relatively coarse texture (2-3mm). It has a light colour but stronger aroma.

2) B.O.P.F. contains tea tips and is finer (1-2mm) than B.O.P. in terms of size. It has moderately good aroma and colour, which are favourable for quick brewing.

3) DUST is the finest grained tea out of three. It is in powder form and has a darker colour but light aroma.

  立頓紅茶5磅庄 立頓紅茶500克庄 立頓紅茶450克庄
  金時尚高級蘭紅茶 金CN高級蘭紅茶 CN牌高級錫蘭紅茶

  時尚牌純正錫蘭粗紅茶 時尚牌純正錫蘭中粗紅茶 時尚牌純正錫蘭幼紅茶


    淡奶 Evaporated Milk








 * When added to tea, coffee, desert, etc, the pleasant and creamy taste would gratify your taste buds!



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